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Title: Establishment Directions for the Consultative Committee for Government Open Data Ch
Date: 2023.11.27
Legislative: 1. Promulgated by EXECUTIVE YUAN Order No.1041500401 on 7th, April 2015.
2. Amended and promulgated by EXECUTIVE YUAN Order No. 1123000041 on 18th, January 2023.
2. Amended and promulgated by EXECUTIVE YUAN Order No. 1123001832 on 27th, November 2023.
Content: 1. To cooperate with policies of the Consulting Committee for Government Open Data, we set up the communication platform of cross-domain collaboration and strengthen the promotion of open data to accomplish the goals of administrative convenience for people and transparency. Therefore, the Executive Yuan and the central second-level agencies establish the "Consulting Committees for Government Open Data" (herein after referred to as all levels of Consulting Committees) and promulgate the directions.

2. Digital governance grouping subordinate to the Smart Taiwan Initiative Committee of the Executive Yuan founded the "Consulting Committee for Government Open Data of the Executive Yuan" (herein after referred to as the Executive Yuan's Consulting Committees). Moreover, the central second-level agencies set up the "Consulting Committee for Government Open Data of the Central Second-level Agencies" hereinafter referred to as the central second-level agencies' Consulting Committees) as well. Tasks for all levels of Consulting Committees are specified as below:
(1) Executive Yuan's Consulting Committees:
1.To formulate the policies of open data promotion.
2.To establish the communication platform of cross-domain collaboration.
3.To oversee the effects of open data promotion.
(2) Central Second-level Agencies' Consulting Committees:
1.To formulate the operational strategies for this agency and its subordinate agencies, intensify the quality and quantity for government open data and set up the mechanism of promotion and performance management.
2.To supervise open data of its subordinate agencies and promote the sorting of data set and the consultation and coordination of charge doubts.
3.To establish the bridge between the government and people and encouragement representatives from multi-fields to participate in the consultation and coordination for open data to solve problems.

3. Operational Framework for All Levels of Consulting Committees:
(1) Executive Yuan's Consulting Committees: the panel is comprised of one convener, the concurrent post held by Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Executive Yuan and 8 to 11 commissioners either gender of the committee members should not be less than 1/3 of the total committee members. Apart from convener as the ex-officio, other commissioners are appointed by Premier. The number of citizen representatives can not be less than 1/3 of the total number of commissioners:
1.Representatives from agencies: served by CIO or deputy Minister from Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA), Ministry of Justice (MOJ), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) and Ministry of Finance (MOF).
2.Representatives from citizens: served by experts from associations, social groups and scholars.
3.The staff of the Executive Yuan's Consulting Committees: assigned by MODA.
(2) Central Second-level Agencies' Consulting Committees: the panel is comprised of one convener, the concurrent post held by Chief Information Officer (CIO) of this agency, and a minimum of 11 commissioners. Either gender should be no less than 1/3 of the total committee members. Apart from convener as the ex-officio, other Commissioners are appointed by the principal of this agency. The number of citizen representatives can not be less than 1/3 of the total number of commissioners:
1.Representatives from agencies: served by section supervisors or deputy supervisors from legality, business, comptroller, information and chief secretaries higher levels from its subordinate agencies.
2.Representatives from citizens: served by experts from associations, social groups, and scholars.

4. Conference Modes for All Levels of Consulting Committees:
(1) To convene a conference twice a year and call extempore meetings if needed.
(2) When all levels of Consulting Committees convene conferences, conveners convene members and serve as the chairpersons. If convener can not participate in this meeting, he can appoint one of the members to act on behalf of him.
(3) To convene a conference, at least 1/2 of the members of all levels of Consulting Committees must be present and at least 3 citizen representatives.

5. When all levels of Consulting Committees convene conferences, they can invite guests in attendance to provide suggestions, reports or explanations.

6. Commissioners of all levels of Consulting Committees must start and end along with their original posts.
   The term of office for citizen representatives of all levels of Consulting Committees is one year or two years and can be re-appointed once. Besides, they can be appointed with the change of conveners.
   If commissioners are served by representatives from associations or social groups, they must start and end along with their original posts. As scholars, if they are absent from this post for some reasons, the convener can ask staff from its subordinate agencies to the substitute. The expiry date for this substitute commissioner is the same as the original commissioner's.

7. Commissioners of all levels of Consulting Committees shall attend meetings personally. If commissioners served by governmental officials can not take part in conferences, they can appoint delegates to attend and make statement and vote.

8. Commissioners of all levels of Consulting Committees are unpaid posts. However, citizen representative members may receive attendance fees and transportation expenses as stipulated by regulations.

9. List of the commissioners of all levels of Consulting Committees must be revealed in public on the Government Open Data Platform.

10. Central second-level agencies' Consulting Committees shall inspect data reported by this agency and its subordinate agencies' according to the frequency of meetings and respond to people's requirement. to the appropriateness of statement. If it is related to business procedures or information system, agencies shall arrange schedules for improvement and track regularly. If it is related to about cross-department laws, agencies shall report to the Executive Yuan's Consulting Committees.

11. (Deleted)

12. Meeting minutes of all levels of Consulting Committees must be taken thoroughly and made public on the Government Open Data Platform.

13. Central second-level agencies having establishing information management consultation or deliberation mechanism can follow its original practice before the directions come into force. Moreover, central second-level agencies shall add to citizen representatives periodically to discuss the protection of sensitive data and open applied solutions according to Paragraph 9,  Paragraph 10, and Paragraph 12.

14. The expenses of Executive Yuan's Consulting Committees are paid by budgeting of the procedures followed by MODA. The funding of the central second-level agencies' Consulting Committees is paid by budgeting of the procedures by agencies.

15. All level of Consulting Committees do not send official documents in public. All matters of resolution act on behalf of agencies.